Reduce text size/fit more listings on List View report (Connect)


There is a setting within connectMLS that allows you to reduce the size of the text on the List View report and fit more listings on the screen at the same time.

Just go up to the top right corner and click on your initials (or photo, if you have uploaded it), then select Display Settings:



When the Display Settings window opens, you are given several different spacing and theme options from which to choose:



If you choose Compact in the Spacing section, it reduces the size of the text within the report, allowing more listings to fit on the screen at one time. It also allows more columns of listing information to fit on the screen horizontally, since everything is a bit smaller.

Default Spacing:



Compact Spacing:

The highlighted areas below show how much additional information fits on the screen when viewing the List View report after switching from Default to Compact spacing:



Screen sizes and resolutions can vary wildly, so the exact number of listings that will fit on one screen (before having to scroll down) will depend on your individual settings. This also goes for the number of columns that will fit on the screen from left to right before you must use the horizontal scroll bar. But, generally, switching from Default to Compact will add at least a couple extra listings on the screen, as well as 2 or 3 extra columns of listing data.




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